
拓宽你对当今世界面临的复杂和紧迫问题的认识. With a strong emphasis on international perspective and experiences, 参加国际研究课程的学生将培养研究技能, analytic tools, and cultural competency to navigate contemporary global challenges, opportunities, and changes.


Fast Facts
  • More than 40 percent of Trinity students study abroad
  • 学生可以从外交、安全、战争与和平研究中进行选择, Global Health Studies, International Development Studies
  • 出国留学,有很强的实习、志愿者和研究机会
  • Faculty act as advocates, supporters, and advisers


Student group poses in front of building.


What You'll Study



Global perspective

教师带领学生通过国际问题进行个性化的旅程, inside and outside of the classroom. The International Studies core committee act as advisers, coordinators, supporters and advocates for students.

Alfred Montoya
Alfred Montoya, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
" "
Curtis Swope, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
headshot of Dania Abreu-Torres_2022
Dania E. Abreu-Torres, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Anene Ejikeme
Anene Ejikeme, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, History
Stephen Lee Field
Stephen Lee Field, Ph.D.
Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Mario Gonzalez-Fuentes
Mario Gonzalez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Business Administration
Headshot of Ana Maria Mutis
Ana Maria Mutis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Headshot of Bethany Strunk
Bethany Strunk, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biology
Lauren Turek
Lauren Turek, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Jie Zhang
Jie Zhang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures

Student Opportunities

World of Experiences


  • Center for International Engagement
  • Carlos and Malu Alvarez Fund for MAS
  • Sharon L. and Donald E. Kurtti Fellowship for Summer Research in China
  • Field Fellowship for Summer Research in China
  • Dr. Ron and Genie Calgaard Fund for Study Abroad
  • Dr. Richard M. Burr Fund for Study Abroad
  • Dr. Don Clark Fund for Study Abroad
  • Trinity Journey EAST Travel Grant
  • Critical Language scholarship
  • Boren Awards
  • Fulbright Scholarships


INTL 3-90 Independent Study

Individual research in selected areas. A student may repeat the course for a maximum of six semester hours. 项目建议书必须在注册前提交给指导研究的教授并经其批准. 

Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor

具有高级外语技能的学生有机会在常规语言课程之外修读专业课程 Languages Across the Curriculum (LAC). Central to the LAC program is Spanish Across the Curriculum. 完成该课程的学生将在成绩单上获得批注,这是申请研究生院和找工作的宝贵资产.



Students can participate in internships with organizations that provide exposure to international issues. Students can also participate in U.S.-based internships in Boston, New York, and Washington D.C,或者在国外寻找实习机会,并将其纳入自己的学术计划.

Right here in San Antonio, 学生们有很好的机会在旨在帮助移民的机构获得带薪实习工作, refugees and asylum seekers.

Study Abroad

Majors are required to study abroad. Each year students travel to countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Individual advising assists students to choose a study abroad program. 


Student Organizations

Amnesty International


International Club

Provides students with opportunities to explain, promote, and celebrate their interests in international issues, cultures, religions, and heritages.

Trinity University Latino Association (TULA)

TULA旨在庆祝三位一体和圣安东尼奥社区内的拉丁裔社区,作为教育学生拉丁文化的一种方式. Students of any ethnicity are welcome in the organization.

Muslim Student Association

这个组织试图通过会议提高对伊斯兰教的认识, events, and programs on a variety of topics.

Trinity Diversity Connection

一个伞式组织,探索各种各样的问题,庆祝, embrace, and advocate for a socially just campus and world.

International Humanitarian Crisis Initiative


Global Health Initiative

GHI旨在让学生了解圣安东尼奥市及其他地区居民面临的广泛的公共卫生问题. GHI为学生提供了了解各种条件下医疗保健服务的机会, 该组织的志愿者还获得了如何在基层实施医疗保健的实践经验.

Honors Programs

澳门金沙线上赌博官网赞助了国际研究专业学生荣誉社团Sigma Iota Rho的一个分会. Sigma Iota Rho促进和奖励专业之间的奖学金和服务,并在国际事务中培养诚信和创造性表现.

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When You Graduate

Boundless Opportunities

澳门金沙线上赌博官网的毕业生将高水平的批判性思维和解决问题的能力带到世界舞台上. 该计划的许多毕业生都攻读国际政治研究生课程, law, business, communication, and journalism, while others have sought employment abroad. Graduates especially flourish in areas such as global health.



该项目的著名毕业生担任外交事务官员等职位, executive director of the United Nations Association of Boston, financial analyst in Hong Kong, research analyst in Japan, staff member of the U.S. Congress, and Fulbright Fellows.

Graduate Schools or Programs:

  • Business
  • Global Development
  • Law
  • Medical School
  • Public Administration
  • Public Policy

Career Areas:

  • Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs
  • Finance
  • NGOs
  • Not for Profit Organizations
  • U.S. Government

Organizations who have Hired Trinity Graduates:

  • Local Charities (Catholic charities)
  • NGO (Non Governmental Agencies)
  • State Department
  • The World Bank
  • United Nations
  • U.S. Congress


Take the next step

Have more questions or want more information? 了解更多关于如何澳门金沙线上赌博官网,以及如何加快你的下一步教育.