framed artwork of san antonio on a wall, in all different styles of art
Prompting Experimentation
Magazine team generates 圣安东尼奥 artwork using 人工智能

With generative 人工智能 (AI) on the rise, the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 magazine team experimented with DALL·E, 人工智能图像生成器, when planning for the Spring 2024 issue, 主题是“嗨?, AI! Human Intelligence, meet Artificial Intelligence."

Before we go any further, you may be asking, what exactly is 人工智能? Though 人工智能 (AI) has been around for decades, generative AI has recently surged in popularity thanks to new technology like ChatGPT and DALL·E. Here’s the gist: If we showed a smart robot tons of pictures of tigers, it would learn what tigers generally look like and could, 当被问及, use what it has learned to create a new tiger drawing. Similarly, Gen-AI creates new content (images, text, etc.) based on patterns it learns from existing data, such as public information on the internet.

澳门金沙线上赌博官网 creative director Anh-Viet Dinh '15 worked with AI to create a gallery of artwork representing 圣安东尼奥. 他使用ChatGPT, 文本生成器, to help him brainstorm different styles of art and the characteristics of each. He then used those AI-generated descriptions to prompt DALL·E to generate the artwork. While his initial prompt for each piece of art was instructive, Dinh quickly evolved into a more casual conversation with DALL·E to fine-tune the images. 结果? A curated gallery showing the potential for partnership between human instruction and AI capabilities. 

Ultimately, it was fun to play with AI and test the boundaries of its limitations. The image generator acted as a playground of sorts; for example, the magazine's writers and editors, who might feel more comfortable at a desk than in a studio, used AI to translate their words into art, 不需要油漆刷. We came away inspired, creatively refreshed, and brimming with ideas for the magazine. 

Despite AI's limitless creativity, the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 magazine team strongly believes that the technology is best used in lockstep with a human. So, we asked 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 student 詹姆斯·李26岁 to illustrate many of the stories in the Spring 2024 issue. Lee combines AI generation with human illustration, creating a unique approach to art as we know it.

Enjoy this gallery of 圣安东尼奥 art, but review it with a careful eye. You'll find buildings that don't belong in 圣安东尼奥, humans missing body parts, and other errors. Despite its wow factor, AI still doesn't have it completely right! 

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for neo-traditional artwork of 圣安东尼奥 with classic tattoo art styles and bold, 丰富多彩的细节.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for an Impressionist painting of 圣安东尼奥 that emphasizes light and color with loose brushwork.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for a Modernist interpretation of 圣安东尼奥, 专注于简洁的线条, 函数形式, and a minimalist aesthetic.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for a Cubist depiction of 圣安东尼奥 art using fragmented, geometric forms that represent multiple viewpoints simultaneously.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for 圣安东尼奥 art in a Rococo style, featuring playful and elaborate ornamentation with pastel colors.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for 圣安东尼奥 art in a cyberpunk setting, with neon-lit streets and futuristic technology."

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, to depict 圣安东尼奥 in an art brut style, 专注于原材料, 原始的, 和强有力的表达.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for an Expressionist depiction of 圣安东尼奥's River Walk, 使用大胆的, expressive colors and dramatic brushstrokes.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for 圣安东尼奥 art in a Futurism style, emphasizing dynamic energy, 速度, and technological advancements.

This image was created by prompting DALL·E, an 人工智能 image generator, for a minimalist depiction of 圣安东尼奥 art, focusing on simplicity and the use of monochromatic colors.

The gallery wall at the top of the story was generated using DALL·E.

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