Solving real 箴blems.

研究 opportunities and are centered around close faculty mentorship guidance. Selection for research 箴grams is competitive and space is limited—but those who do participate find opportunities to co-author papers using their research, present results at national conferences, and establish network connections in their fields of study.

While 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 offers multiple year-round opportunities for guided research experiences, many students opt to participate in the Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship (SURF) 箴gram. SURFs spend summers on campus, engaged in meaningful group or individual research, or advancing research 箴jects guided by faculty advisers.

Student looking at rock through a microscope
Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship (SURF) Award Forms & Housing Forms are due by Friday March 29, 2024 at noon!

Updated 2024 award and housing forms will be updated soon.  Check back or contact CELCS for more information.

On-campus 研究 Opportunities

On-campus research is fully funded, with awards or stipends ranging from $1,000 to $4,500 or more.


生物学 department fellowships (BSURF) are available for biology majors pursuing summer research with biology faculty.

Application: 应用 through the common summer research application.

到期日期: February 9, 2024

Requirements: 10 weeks of full-time participation and presentation of results at the summer symposium

Number available: 5

奖: up to $5,000

更多信息: Contact the Department of 生物学.


化学 department research opportunities are available to students who have completed CHEM 1312 by May 2024.

Requirements: 10 weeks of full-time participation and presentation of results at the summer symposium

Number available: ~35

津贴: $5,000

更多信息: Contact chemistry 箴fessor Dr. Corina Maeder

Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science offers the HEP (Howland-Eggen-Pitts) Student Summer research fellowship for computer science majors pursuing summer research with CS faculty.

应用: By application or invitation

Requirements: 10 weeks of full-time participation and presentation of results at the summer symposium

Number available: 2

奖: up to $5,000

更多信息: Contact computer science 箴fessor 余张.


地球科学 department research opportunities are available for 地球科学 and Earth Systems Sciences majors and intended majors.

Application: Application will be available on the GEOS STudents TLearn page beginning January 18th

到期日期: February 9, 2024

Requirements: 4-10 weeks of full-time participation and presentation of results at the summer symposium and/or a regional or national 地球科学 conference.

Number available: 10+

津贴: $450/week, up to $5,000

更多信息: Contact 箴fessor  Dr. Kathleen Surpless, Chair of 地球科学. 

Hixon Environmental Studies

教师-student teams from any academic department or 箴gram may participate in the Hixon Environmental Studies research 箴gram.

Application: 应用 through the common summer research application.

到期日期: February 9, 2024

Requirements: Applications will only be accepted from faculty-student teams. Individuals may not appear in more than one application. Students must be graduating in December 2024 or later.

Number available: 3

津贴: up to $5,000

更多信息: Contact biology 箴fessor David Ribble.

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) 箴gram offers a transformative undergraduate STEM education to select socially and economically marginalized scholars majoring in a STEM subject.

Application: LSAMP scholars will apply through the LSAMP 箴gram at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网.

到期日期: Spring 2024

Requirements: ​​Recipients must be LSAMP scholars.

Number available: 6

津贴: $3,500

Additional Resources: 10-week summer 箴gram with a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 faculty member.  Participants will receive room and board and  stipend.​

更多信息: Contact biology 箴fessor David Ribble 

Mach 研究 Fellowships

Mach fellowships 箴vide funding to rising seniors for use in research or scholarly activity during their senior year.

Requirements: One Mach Fellow nomination is permitted per department. Mach fellowships do not have to be used during the summer.

Number available: 5+

奖: between $1,000 and $2,500 for 供应 or 旅行

更多信息: Contact the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success.

McNair Scholars Program

Students already participating in the McNair Scholars Program may apply for summer research support.

Requirements: Participation in the McNair Scholars Program goes far beyond summer research. Scholars are expected to engage in research activities throughout the year.

更多信息: 参观 McNair Program 网站.

Murchison 研究 Fellowships

教师-student teams from any academic department or 箴gram may participate in the Murchison 研究 箴gram.

Application: 应用 through the common summer research application.

到期日期: February 9, 2024

Requirements: ​​Applications will only be accepted from faculty-student teams. Individuals may not appear in more than one application (i.e., a student can only submit one application to Murchison); however, students are encouraged to submit applications to more than one 箴gram. Students must be graduating in December 2024 or later.

Number available: 24

津贴: up to $5,000

Additional Resources: Total budget of $7,000, including student stipend (max $4,500), faculty stipend ($1,000), 供应, 旅行, 等.​

更多信息: Contact 箴fessor David Ribble or Armando Saliba

​​​​​​​​Undergraduate 研究 in the Arts and 人文学科 研究 Fellowships

Undergraduate 研究 in the Arts & 人文学科 Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowships (SURF) are available to faculty-student teams working on 箴jects in the arts and humanities.

到期日期: February 9, 2024

Requirements: Applications will only be accepted from faculty-student teams. Individuals may not appear in more than one application. Students must be graduating in December 2024 or later.

Number available: 13-15

津贴: up to $4,200

Additional resources: $1,400 per student for 旅行 and/or 供应. 教师 mentors will receive stipend of $2,000

更多信息: 参观 Undergraduate 研究 in the Arts & 人文学科




其他 academic departments and 箴grams may offer individual research or independent study opportunities. 访问 your department’s or 箴gram’s “Student Experience” page to discover more.

研究 Spotlights

点击这里 to view past summer research and summer internship student presentations from the Summer Experiential Learning 研讨会