Submit a Report about a Fellow Student

Non-Emergency Anonymous Reports When filling out a report form, please be sure to include information that is as complete, 准确的, 越具体越好.

Please note that the anonymity of these forms limits response options for staff. 你也可以考虑 directly cont行为ing the Office of the Dean of Students to express your concerns or report certain behaviors.

Emergency and Police Reports

  TUPD紧急线路: 210-999-7000


  Counseling Services Emergency Line: 210-999-7411


  Anonymous Campus Whistleblower Report Line:






Submit a report regarding behaviors or incident(s) that may violate the Student Code of Conduct 和/或 other policies.



 以前 Student of Concern Report

澳门金沙线上赌博官网 community can help support students who are in need of personal or academic assistance. The Student Success Team provides coordinated outreach, support, and resource referral.

File a Complaint about an Employee or the University

Students are permitted and invited to submit formal complaints to help improve 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏.

  Eligible for Formal Complaint

  • Complaints specific to the individual circumstances of a student or to a specific incident
  • Belief that a University decision, 行为, or condition affecting a student is illegal or unjust, or creates unnecessary hardship
  • Belief that University processes and personnel in place have failed to fairly assess and address a student’s issues

  Not Eligible for Formal Complaint

  • Broad complaints about areas such as parking, 餐厅, the residency requirement, 出勤费用, 学术严谨
  • 社论
  • 社交媒体帖子
  • 向传媒投诉
  • Student government resolutions and agenda items
  • 抗议和集会
  • Any posters/banners/or fliers

Complaint Submission Process

澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 has an established process for students to raise concerns about their University experience. 

  • For formal review, complaints must be submitted directly by the student as the aggrieved party.
  • Students may submit a complaint for formal review through the link below. 
  • All complaints are reviewed by a complaint review team. 
  • 虽然父母, campus community members and off-campus professionals may notify University officials of concerns, such concerns are not official complaints until levied by the affected student. 
  • Students with questions about the complaint process may cont行为 the Office of the Dean of Students

A complaint about an appeal process and the associate appeal process will not result in the reconsideration of a specific prior decision. 例如, a complaint about an Honor Council decision will not re-open the case nor serve as an appeal. Appeal processes include but are not limited to: Scholarships and financial aid, 第九条和骚扰, 级上诉, 荣誉准则, 学生的行为, 交通和停车.  


When filing a complaint, be prepared to write out your complaint using clear and concise language. If you have supporting documentation (emails, pictures, etc.), you may upload attachments directly to the complaint form. 

Click here to file a formal complaint


Complaints are considered confidential and will remain logged and securely stored per the University’s 记录保留策略. A summary of complaints and resolutions will be prepared annually by the Dean of Students. 

Resources to Resolve a Complaint

澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 is committed to addressing student concerns and complaints. If a complaint cannot be satisf行为orily resolved through the 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 complaint process, the student may file a complaint with the following entities:

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)

National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) for distance education students

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) 


Individuals who wish to file a claim regarding Title IX with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights must do so within 180 days of the incident based on the time limits for adjudication set by that agency. For more information, please consult 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s HR website.